Monday, April 10, 2006

We're still losing the women!

Yet another depressing post on the remarkable drop-off of women entering computing, in both absolute and relative terms. This one is in the CRA Bulletin.
Computer science has the dubious distinction of being the only science field to see a fall in the share of its bachelor’s degrees granted to women between 1983 and 2002. Among all S&E fields tracked by the NSF, linguistics was the only other field to see its share of women drop–but it is a field where the majority of degrees (71 percent) are granted to women.

Between 1983 and 2002, the share of CS bachelor’s degrees awarded to women dropped from 36 to 27 percent. The number of female degree recipients grew by 50 percent in that period, and in 2002 numbered 13,504. Nevertheless, this was lower than the 15,126 degrees granted to women in 1984, during the last boom in degree production.
Comes with a graphic illustration.



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